
Some can’t find it even after it was pointed out. Check the comments..

If you thought your camouflage co-ord was good at keeping you hidden, just wait until you see the snow leopard in this photo.

It isn’t dressed in a camouflage jacket; there are no baseballs caps, sunglasses or well-positioned newspapers in sight, but this leopard is still practically invisible.

All those sneaky film characters trying to spy on someone could probably learn a thing or two from the animal – if they can find it, that is.

The incredibly-well hidden creature is lurking in a photo taken of a rocky landscape, with a few patches of snow still lingering on its surface.

The leopard is hidden somewhere in this photo. Credit: Saurabh Desai Photography

If you’ve ever seen a leopard, you’ll know that they’re orangey-brown in color, with black spots covering their bodies. However, do you know what color a snow leopard is?

Given its name, you’d probably assume it’s white, which might lead you to believe that the creature is hidden somewhere in the snow in the photo.

However, though the creatures are typically lighter than regular leopards, many of them still have light tinges of brown running through their fur.

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