
She was overjoyed to be a mother, but when she saw his face, she left and abandoned him in the maternity crib.

Treacher-Collins Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that can impair breathing, hearing, and vision. It has no effect on a person’s intelligence or, more importantly, their ability to feel the pain of rejection.

The disorder affects the development of face tissues and bones, such as the cheekbones, jawbone, ears, eyes, and ears. Treacher Collins, characterized by slanted eyes, sparse eyelashes, and deformed ears, affects around 1 in 50,000 people at birth.

Jono Lancaster was born in October 1985. Doctors who diagnosed him with TCS advised his parents that he would most likely never be able to walk or talk. They offered him for adoption when he was less than two days old.

Jean, the foster mother, came two weeks later. After seeing “a little infant that needed caring for,” she simply “fell in love with him.”

Five years later, she formally adopted him.

He has also never lost sight of her feelings for him.

“Although she isn’t the tallest woman I’ve ever met, she has the biggest heart. This woman has been a foster parent for 30 years and has given so much of herself to so many others.”

This woman grieved every time a child was transferred to a new foster home because she believed she had failed the child. “Despite being a single mother in her forties, she accepted me despite not knowing what the future held.”

“This mother adopted me and provided me with a great family in Claire and Stephen. This woman was an angel sent to me at the perfect moment.”

“Jean is the name of my mother, my idol, and this angel.”

Despite their constant support, Jono did not begin to embrace his appearance and stopped avoiding mirrors until he was in his early twenties.

“I’ve had to maintain a positive mindset my entire life. Everyone looks at me and automatically expects the worst, so I have to continuously debunk their assumptions.”

He’s come a long way since then.

“Treacher Collins is responsible for my pride in who I am and what I’ve done.”

Jono Collins is a fervent advocate of those affected with Treacher Collins. He is 32 years old, has a long-term girlfriend, and speaks to groups and schools all around the world about his personal experiences.

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